Introducing new products and services – powerfully and profitably, with all of your marketing channels blazing — is a Maccabee specialty.
From launching Hazelden’s iPhone app for people in recovery, Shock Doctor’s elite sports mouthguard and Ergotron’s StyleView hospital carts to premiering OfficeMax’s private label TUL pens, the all natural Just BARE chicken brand, MakeMusic’s notation software and Guy Fieri’s new BBQ sauces, Maccabee ensures that your customers are aware of, engaged with and primed to purchase your new product or service.
Building a New Consumer Electronics Category - Ergotron Premieres the Next Generation of Workstations
The $150 million computer accessories company Ergotron wanted to do more than compete against rival consumer electronics firms . . . it wanted to transform the category of ergonomic computer mounts for Mac and PC users. So, Maccabee designed aRead More 
Launching All Natural Just BARE Chicken In Supermarkets
When Just BARE™ chicken WAS BROUGHT to supermarkets nationwide, the premium chicken BRAND partnered with Maccabee to spark consumer trial and sales. Just BARE was an entirely new brand of chickeny: all natural, vegetable-fed, and raised cage-free with no hormonesRead More 
Introducing Guy Fieri's BBQ Sauce and Salsas
Ohio-based specialty food maker, Gia Brands Inc., was poised to launch a new line of barbeque sauces and salsas created by Food Network TV chef Guy Fieri. To ensure success, they selected Maccabee to leverage Guy Fieri’s, “Off Da Hook!”Read More